I do my best to keep this up-to-date. You can also follow my Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar.

* indicates equal contribution, listed in alphabetical order by last name.


Emily Tseng*, Meg Young*, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Aimee Rinehart, and Harini Suresh.
arXiv preprint
Emily Tseng, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
To appear at ACM CSCW 2025.
Rock Y. Pang, Hope Schroeder, Kynnedy S. Smith, Solon Barocas, Ziang Xiao, Emily Tseng, and Danielle Bragg.
To appear at ACM CHI 2025.
Kevin J. Feng*, Rock Y. Pang*, Tzu-Sheng Kuo, Amy Winecoff, Emily Tseng, David Gray Widder, Harini Suresh, Katharina Reinecke, and Amy X. Zhang.
To appear at ACM CHI Workshops 2025.


Alice Qian Zhang, Ryland Shaw, Jacy Reese Anthis, Ashlee Milton, Emily Tseng, Jina Suh, Lama Ahmad, Rama Shankar Siva Kumar, Julian Posada, Benjamin Shestakofsky, Sarah T. Roberts, and Mary L. Gray.
ACM CSCW Workshops 2024.
Benedetta Lusi, Adrian Petterson, Kamala Payyapilly Thiruvenkatanathan, Michaela Krawczyk, Emily Tseng, Lara Reime, Madeline Balaam, Katie A. Siek, and Cristina Zaga.
ACM CSCW Workshops 2024.
Harini Suresh*, Emily Tseng*, Meg Young*, Mary L. Gray, Emma Pierson, and Karen Levy.
ACM FAccT 2024.
Emily Tseng, Rosanna Bellini, Yeuk Yu Lee, Alana Ramjit, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
ACM CSCW 2024.
Rosanna Bellini, Emily Tseng, Noel Warford, Alaa Daffalla, Tara Matthews, Sunny Consolvo, Jill Woelfer, Patrick Gage Kelley, Michelle Mazurek, Dana Cuomo, Nicola Dell, and Thomas Ristenpart.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland) 2024.


Calvin Liang, Emily Tseng, Akeiylah DeWitt, Yasmine Kotturi, Sucheta Ghoshal, Angela D.R. Smith, Marisol Wong-Villacres, Lauren Wilcox, and Sheena Erete.
ACM CSCW 2023 Workshops.
Building on our FAccT 2023 CRAFT session, this workshop explores how HCI and CSCW as research fields can better align with the values necessary for community-collaborative work.
Matteo Malgaroli, Emily Tseng, Thomas Derrick Hull, Emma Jennings, Tanzeem Choudhury, Naomi Simon
JMIR AI 2023.
Alana Dinh, Emily Tseng, Andrew Lukas Yin, Deborah Estrin, Peter Greenwald, Alexander Fortenko
JMIR Formative Research 2023.
Bensson-Ravunniarath, M., Bryan Ringel, J., Avgar, A., Wiggins, F., Lee, A., McDonald, M., Guerrero, L.R., Kallas, J., Gusoff, G., Shen, M., Tseng, E., Dell, N., Czaja, S., Lindquist, L.A., & Sterling, M.R.
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2023.
Joy Ming, Elizabeth F Kuo, Katie Go, Emily Tseng, John Kallas, Aditya Vashistha, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell.
ACM CSCW 2023.


Dan Adler*, Emily Tseng*, Khatiya C. Moon, John Q. Young, John M. Kane, David C. Mohr, Emmanuel Moss, Tanzeem Choudhury
ACM CSCW 2022.
Emily Tseng, Mehrnaz Sabet, Rosanna Bellini, Harkiran Kaur Sodhi, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
ACM CHI 2022.
🏆 Best Paper Award (top 1%)
Niu Chen*, Allison McDonald*, Yixin Zou*, Emily Tseng, Kevin A. Roundy, Acar Tamersoy, Florian Schaub, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
ACM CHI 2022.


Calvin Liang, Emily Tseng, Sachin Pendse, Crystal Lee, Kimberley Allison, Neilly H. Tan, Ruotong Wang, Alexandra To, and Amy Zhang.
ACM CSCW 2021 Workshops.
Our workshop convened social computing researchers with ties to the Asian diaspora for a day of community-building around making space for our shared identities in HCI and CSCW.
Emily Tseng, Diana Freed, Kristen Engel, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
ACM CHI 2021.
The pandemic has worsened conditions for victims of IPV, many of whom may be forced to shelter in place with their abusers. We analyzed 24 consults with victims and held 5 focus groups with consultants to understand the new challenges brought on by shifting clinical computer security to a remote work context.


Rosanna Bellini, Emily Tseng, Nora McDonald, Matan Danos, Rachel Greenstadt, Damon McCoy, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
ACM CSCW 2021.
🏆 Best Paper Award (top 1%)
We develop a theory of how would-be abusers create narrative justifications for spying on their partners.
Emily Tseng, Rosanna Bellini, Nora McDonald, Matan Danos, Rachel Greenstadt, Damon McCoy, Nicola Dell, and Thomas Ristenpart.
USENIX Security 2020. (Acceptance rate 13%).
🏆 Distinguished Paper Award (top 1%) and Internet Defense Prize, 3rd place ($40k).
Would-be abusers often learn how to enact intimate partner surveillance through online forums. We taxonomize the tools and tactics propagated through these online communities, and discuss how social media dynamics worsen these attacks.
Sterling, MR, Tseng, E, Poon, A, Cho, J, Avgar, AC, Kern, LM, Ankuda, CK, Dell, N.
JAMA Internal Medicine
We interviewed home health aides caring for patients in New York City when the COVID-19 pandemic peaked in the spring of 2020.
Sterling, MR, Dell, N, Tseng, E, Okeke, F, Cho, J, Piantella, B, Tobin, JN.
Journal of Clinical and Translation Science
Sterling, M. R., Dell, N., Piantella, B., Cho, J., Kaur, H., Tseng, E., Okeke, F., Brown, M., Leung, P. B. K., Silva, A. F., Shaw, A. L., Kern, L. M.
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Emily Tseng, Fabian Okeke, Madeline Sterling, and Nicola Dell
ACM CHI 2020. (Acceptance rate 24.3%).


Diana Freed*, Sam Havron*, Emily Tseng, Andrea Gallardo, Rahul Chatterjee, Thomas Ristenpart, and Nicola Dell.
CSCW 2019
🏆 Best Paper Honorable Mention (top 5%)
Fabian Okeke, Emily Tseng, Benedetta Piantella, Mikaela Brown, Harveen Kaur, Madeline R. Sterling, and Nicola Dell.


Emily Tseng and Jacob Lee.
BioCreative/OHNLP Workshop @ ACM BCB 2018